The Beeb and I
For those of you who don't know, I've just completed a two month project with the BBC property division working up an environmental sustainability strategy for them.
It's been a wonderful project, fab people who have already done a lot of thinking about this and are very eager to get some action happening on the ground. They were pleased with the resulting plan so hopefully over the next 18mths their environmental impact will improve enormously.
Here's a photo of part of the media village I was stationed at in London. Can't show you any inside photos cos due to various privacy and policy requirements, I'm not allowed to publish them without permission.
It's a great building inside though. Three huge atriums that bring natural light into all parts of the floors, good use of colour so no 'grey zones', and light and airy throughout. London had 'open house' day a couple of weekends back and I ended up taking the public on tours around the building - gave me a good excuse to enthuse about flexible (and green of course) workspaces. Was lots of fun.
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